Pre Fundamental Students - Progress Report
Chandrajit is a well-disciplined child. He shows interest in activities related to interpersonal skills like mirror anatomy naming parts of the body etc. He can sort things on the basis of texture and smell.
He is an independent child. He likes to take part in simple exercise that includes bending stretching, jumping etc. Chandrajit has the capacity to work independently Chandrajit has improved his eating habits.
He is a friendly child He is able to listen attentively to the letters sound and repeat the same. Chandrajit’s penmanship is good. He completes the activities within the given time. He is able to rote count 1-30 effortlessly. He can relate a few pre number concepts of big and small, tall and short, long and short and all so can recognize shapes like circle, square, triangle,. He possess an excellent eye hand co-ordination. He shows interest in kinesthetic and spatial intelligence. He enjoyed the field trip to Cubbon Park and played the games such has swing, slide, train ride, dragon ride happily. He is a smart child.
Diya is an independent, co-operative and smart child. She is always eager and participates actively in all the class activities. She draws and colours within the given boundary. She gets along with her peers.
She is able to listen and can follow instructions given by the teacher. She is able to trace the letter neatly but little help at times. She enjoys playing constructing blocks and puzzles. She is able to recognize and identify the sounds. She is able to communicate with the teachers with age appropriate sentences.
Diya’s recalling skills is good and can rote count numbers from 1-30. She is able to sort things independently. She is able to recognize geometrical shapes. She shows interest in spatial and kinesthetic intelligence. She has cultivated the habit of using cutlery. She uses the golden magic words of saying sorry, please, thank you. She has learnt framing sentences of myself. She is good and well-mannered child.
Lekhana is an obedient child. She is an enthusiastic learner. She exhibits positive outlook in the classroom. She has respect and concern towards the sub staffs. She can narrate few rhymes independently.
She has a good fine motor skill. She listens carefully. She has good attitude towards school. She can rote count numbers up to 50. She is a pleasing child. She knows the alphabets, sounds and related pictures and words. She can trace and colour independently. She enjoyed the field trip to Cubbon Park. She has cultivated the habits of using cutlery neatly.
Lekhana is a pleasant and friendly child. She tries to communicate in English. She has a good memory and captures key images in her mind. She knows the names of her friends. Her eating habits are good. She is able to understand the concepts and visualize clearly. She happily sings sloka song. She enjoys coming to school with a smile and wishing good morning. She wants to learn more and more. She likes to participate in the sports activities.
Aryan is a quiet child. He has a good memory and captures key images in mind. He is a keen listener. He is well aware of parts of the body, sense organs and displays ability to count them. The child needs to be given frequent reminders to pay attention to the conversation. He shows interest in group activities related to spatial and kinesthetic intelligence.
His ability to visualize the letters of alphabet A-Z with pictures is good. He displays ability to trace and colours with proper eye hand co-ordination.
He recognizes the numbers 1-5 with quantities. He can comprehend pre numbers concept with little assistance of the facilitator. The child is able to do sorting and matching activities with support if needed. He has learnt to communicate in English and using words like thank you. Sorry, please etc.
Shruthika is a chubby girl. Very sweet, smart and fascinating child. She arrives school on time with a smile and never forgets to wish ‘Good Morning’. She enjoys playing outdoors activities. She has a good memory and captures key images in her mind. She instantly understands the instructions given by the facilitator. She happily sings school sloka and school song with some helps. Her food habits are improving and cultivated the habits of cutlery. She possess excellent verbal skills which is praise worthy. She is able to identify the shapes, colours and pictures effortlessly.
She is able to tell the phonics sounds of the alphabet. She knows the names of the helpers and never forgets to say thank you. She knows the name of our Country, Prime minister, Principal, school, fingers, days of the week etc. She can frame few sentences of myself.
She cans rote count without any help. She is good in spatial, kinesthetic and math logical intelligence. She exhibits positive outlook and participates in the group thematic activities. She
Lakshmi Diya is a very energetic child. She has a curious mind. She is a sweet and bubbly child. She has respect and concern towards the sub-staffs. She has a fine motor skill. She is friendly and well liked. She can rote count numbers 1-20 with help. She knows the alphabets, colours, basic shapes etc. She has cultivated the habits of using cutlery but at times help is required. She can narrate few rhymes. She is able to print and trace on lines. She is a pleasing child. She likes coloring and follows the instructions given by the facilitator. She knows the names of her peers and greets them in the morning. She loves to play building blocks. Jumping, running etc. She has a good eye hand co-ordination. She is very happy in participating group activities like bathing the doll, zipping activity, mirror antimony etc. She can recognize the parts of the body and five sense organs. She likes to eat and cultivated the habits of eating. She is an inquisitive learner.
Manasvi is a perceptive child. She is well disciplined in class and does things systematically she understands the instructions given by the facilitator. She remembers things and well and applies the thought appropriately. She is very focused during colouring activity. Manasvi takes a lot of interest in all the thematic activities and makes good effort to involve herself in the oral activities.
Manasvi is a bright child. She shows interest in learning new things. Manasvi takes a pride in presenting a neat class activity. She understands and answers the question by framing sentences.
Manasvi is a smart child she is able to match pair and sort without help. She is able to recall numbers 1-20 with help required rarely. She has cultivated the food eating habits very neatly with cutlery. Initially. She always comes to school with the smile and greets everyone. She takes parts in all the sports activity Intially.Manasvi found it difficult to converse in English which is now praise worthy. She can easily carry out simple exercises taught and demonstrates excellent gross motor skills.
Charvee is a bright child and enthusiastic learner. She exhibits positive outlook in the classroom. Charvee has good memory and captures key images in her mind and always comes with a smile to school and greets everyone. She participates in thematic activities. Charvee can easily carry out simple exercise taught like stretching, jumping, bending etc. Charvee is a smart child and interacts with her classmates and teacher well. She always participates in group discussions conducted by the teacher.
Charvee can identify the letters along with a phonic sound. She is able to communicate with the teachers in English but requires some help occasionally. She is able to identify the related letter
with pictures independently. She can rote count number from 1-20. Charvee can identify geo-shapes, and colours.
She is able to differentiate between big and small, tall and short, long and short many few etc. She has cultivated using cutlery neatly. She enjoyed the field trip to Cubbon Park.