Eco Awareness - Green Day 2014
It was delightful day for all children as they dressed themselves in green along with their teachers to celebrate Green Day. The teachers explained the importance of planting saplings and spreading greenery in the environment.
During the assembly the teacher explained to students the importance of environment and planted a tulsi plant. While planting the sapling the teacher explained about the growth of the plants and showed the different parts of the plant and how it takes water and mineral salts from the soil and sends it to different parts.
The children were also shown pictures of different green coloured objects found around such green apple, Xmas tree, green peas, shrubs, green lady’s finger, green capsicum etc. Different objects were displayed like green rectangle, green ring, green ball, and green triangle to create a visual understanding.
The children also took part in a special activity of filling a paper cut out tree with pieces of crepe paper. The children enjoyed sticking the crepe paper on the cut out.